23. On Discrete Differential Equations, P. J. Sci. Ed, Vol. 7, No. 9,'21
22. On Orthogonal Decomposition of a Sobolev Space, Adv. Oper. Theory, Vol. 2, No. 4(2017)419-427.
21. New Proofs on Properties of an Orthogonal Decomposition of a Hilbert Space, Oct. 2015.
20. On Orthogonal Decomposition of ℒ²(Ω), Int. J. Math. Comp. Sci., 10(2015), No. 1, 27-37.
19. Clifford Analysis on Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces:(with Mulugeta Alemayehu,
Sept. 2014.
18. The Fibonacci sequence via the ∑- transform, Dec. 2013.
17. Norm Estimates for Solutions of First and Second Order Elliptic BVPs of the Dirac Operator( to be submitted), Jan. 2014.
16. W^{k,p}(Ω,Cl_{n}) - Best Approximation of a Harmonic Function ( to be submitted).
15. The Intrinsic π-Operator on Domain Manifolds in C^{n+1}, Comp. Anal. Oper. Theory, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010), pp. 271-280 (with John Ryan).
14. Hypersingular Integral Operators Over Weighted Sobolev Spaces, arXiv:0908.2406v1[math.FA]17 Aug 2009.
13. Hyper Symmetric Mathematical Images.
12. On Some Discrete Differential Equations, arXiv:0805:1744v1[math.GM] 12 May 2008 .
11. The Spherical pi-operator,arXiv:0811.3257v1[math.CA]20,Nov 2008.
10. Hyper Symmetries , American Mathematical Society's Mathematical Imagery 2010.
9. W^{2,k}(Ω,Cl_{n})-Best Approximation of a gamma-Regular Function, J. App. anal, Vol. 13, No.2(2007),pp. 259-273 (JAA). :
8. Mollifiers in Clifford Analysis, arXiv:0802.1539v2[math.AP].
7. Complete Function Systems and Decomposition Results Arising in Clifford Analysis, Comp. Meth. Function Theory, Vol. 2, N0.1(2003)215-228(with John Ryan).
6. Clifford Analytic Complete Function Systems for Unbounded Domains, Math. Meth. App. Sci., Vol. 25, No. 16-18 (2002)1527-1539 (with John Ryan).
5. Elliptic BVPs, Cl_{0,n}-Complete Function Systems and The Clifford {\pi}- Operator, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2000, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
4. Over Determined Problems for Elliptic Equations , Proceedings of the 4th Int. Coll. on Differential Equations, VSP, International Science Publishers, The Netherlands,(1994) 11-20. ( with Giovanni Porru).
3. On the Lyapunov Inequality, University of Alberta, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Canada, 1996.
2. On the ∑-Transform ( Preprint).
1. On the Spherical Hypercomplex π-operator and the Clifford Beltrami Equation (preprint).
*. The ∞-order differential operator.
Hyper Symmetries: Mathematical Imagery, AuthorHouse, 2010.