23. On Discrete Differential Equations, P. J. Sci. Ed, Vol. 7, No. 9,'21 
22. On Orthogonal Decomposition of a Sobolev Space, Adv. Oper. Theory, Vol. 2,       No. 4(2017)419-427.  
21. New Proofs on Properties of an Orthogonal Decomposition of a Hilbert Space,     Oct. 2015. 
20. On Orthogonal Decomposition of ℒ²(Ω), Int. J. Math. Comp. Sci., 10(2015),       No. 1, 27-37. 
19. Clifford Analysis on Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces:(with Mulugeta Alemayehu, 
    Sept. 2014. 
18. The Fibonacci sequence via the ∑- transform, Dec. 2013.   

17. Norm Estimates for Solutions of First and Second Order Elliptic BVPs of the     Dirac Operator( to be submitted), Jan. 2014.   

16. W^{k,p}(Ω,Cl_{n}) - Best Approximation of a Harmonic Function ( to be           submitted).

 15.  The Intrinsic π-Operator on Domain Manifolds in C^{n+1}Comp. Anal. Oper.     Theory, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010), pp. 271-280 (with John Ryan).

 14.   Hypersingular Integral Operators Over Weighted Sobolev Spaces,                   arXiv:0908.2406v1[math.FA]17 Aug 2009.

13.   Hyper Symmetric Mathematical Images.  

12.  On Some Discrete Differential Equations, arXiv:0805:1744v1[math.GM] 12 May     2008 .

 11. The Spherical pi-operator,arXiv:0811.3257v1[math.CA]20,Nov 2008. 

 10.  Hyper Symmetries , American Mathematical Society's  Mathematical Imagery       2010.

 9.  W^{2,k}(Ω,Cl_{n})-Best Approximation of a gamma-Regular FunctionJ.           App. anal, Vol. 13, No.2(2007),pp. 259-273 (JAA).   : 

 8. Mollifiers in Clifford Analysis, arXiv:0802.1539v2[math.AP].

 7. Complete Function Systems and Decomposition Results Arising in Clifford        Analysis, Comp. Meth. Function Theory, Vol. 2, N0.1(2003)215-228(with John      Ryan).

6. Clifford Analytic Complete Function Systems for Unbounded Domains,               Math. Meth. App. Sci., Vol. 25, No. 16-18 (2002)1527-1539 (with John Ryan). 

 5.  Elliptic BVPs, Cl_{0,n}-Complete Function Systems and The Clifford {\pi}-       OperatorPh.D. Dissertation, 2000, University  of  Arkansas, Fayetteville.

 4. Over Determined Problems for Elliptic Equations , Proceedings of the 4th        Int. Coll. on Differential Equations, VSP,  International Science                Publishers, The Netherlands,(1994) 11-20. ( with Giovanni Porru). 

3.  On the Lyapunov InequalityUniversity of Alberta, Dept. of Mathematical       Sciences, Canada, 1996.

 2.  On the ∑-Transform ( Preprint).

1.  On the Spherical Hypercomplex π-operator and the Clifford Beltrami               Equation (preprint).

*. The ∞-order differential operator.

Hyper Symmetries: Mathematical Imagery, AuthorHouse, 2010.
 " The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in mimuteness, but ends in magnificence"-C.C. Colton
Selected Publications and Preprints
Ancient Numeral: Ethiopic  and others
                                   Ancient Civilizations of Humankind 

Works of geometric ingenuity and imagination, the innate mathematical mind of humankind
Temple  of Zeus
Aksum Obelisk 
Rome Colosseum
Pyramid of Giza            Egypt
Great Wall 
 Stone Circles

Stone Hinges
Ancient Numerals
 Legendary Tower of 